Seeking Self-Therapy

I’m feeling lost again.  I don’t know if it’s because that week that I was physiologically messed up and it’s taking awhile to level out,  if it’s because of the odd schedule of summer or if it’s just a certain point in this upheaval of my life this past year.  I just don’t know where…

I’m back … to visit my blog

Where have I been in the past almost-a-year? All over the place emotionally/mentally and around the world, physically. I just returned from a trip to the amazing country of China! I have around 6,000 photos to go through from the trip. School is going well, my new job as a photography editor is going well,…

Card carrying member

Wow – I picked up my ID card today at the University. I should be so excited. A big part of me WANTS to be so excited. Why can’t I be excited? Meanwhile, the daily-multi-sobs have subsided, but it’s still pretty sad inside of here. I guess that’s to be expected?! There are no observed…

And I thought I already knew Chaos

I’ve been going through one of the lowest times in my life. But I am determined to make it through. It is a time when I should be excited, moving forward and fulfilling a dream. So, I took a little sideway – but I’m working hard at getting back on track. Yesterday was the first…

Four Months This Time

Well, I did it again. I was lost, but here I am found. I do have to say that much has been going on in the past 4 months. I was carrying 18 credits, still working, still raising a family, still fighting my health problems…. I could go on. But that’s the gist of it.…