My baby turned 5 today

Sniff. Sniffle. I’m trying to be strong. I know, she’s not a baby anymore, but she assures me that she’ll always be my ‘baby darlin’. I sure hope so. She also promises me that when she does grow up and have kids, she’ll let me help her raise them. Isn’t that sweet!

My Grammie Hopper

p=. Dorothy Eva Bell – Wife, Mother, Sister, Grandmother, Great-Grandmother, Friend, Angel March 16, 1915 – January 24, 2003 She was there from my beginning, I was there till her end. I’m going to go into the story more, later, hopefully. This is a tough one for me. We supported “ACS”: in the “Relay for…

Blogathon ‘2005

_Stay Up Late_ p>. _Make a Difference_ I’ve been yearning to do something, to take the focus from my own self-pity, count my blessings, give back, _SOMETHING._ So I’ve decided, albeit last minute, to take the plunge, and in honor of my “Grammie”: I’m participating in “Blogathon ’2005″: and all funds I raise will go…

Busy, Bissee, Busy

Work projects all over the place – what a mess! Visit from wonderful family of friends that we haven’t seen in 5 years, from California! House cleaning, rearranging, but at least it’s somewhat clean. HOT HOT HOT! Heat indexes in the 100 degree range, ugh! All this equals very little knitting – and again, all…

Love those deals

Well, I just did something new – I ordered clothes online. I know, I have ordered many things online and shopped online for quite a long time, but clothes is not something that I had ventured to try. The main reason is probably just because I hardly buy clothes for myself. Other reasons include the…