Quick Ice Storm Image Comparison

Just a quick update… Here is one view of part of our forest this past November, BEFORE the tragic Ice Storm of ’2009: !http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3299/3276864139_eefd614533.jpg?v=0!:http://www.flickr.com/photos/starzabove/3276864139/ and here it is a couple of days after the Ice Storm, only a slightly tilted view, but almost spot on, of the same area: !http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3523/3277684624_693c8bd459.jpg?v=0!:http://www.flickr.com/photos/starzabove/3277684624/ ….. more later!!

Legally Speaking

It’s all contracts, applications, details, etc. around here. I’m trying to cover all of our bases and so far everything is going well. We’ve had a few glitches but nothing that we can’t overcome. The perk test is ordered – should have been done Wednesday and we should hear something soon. The electric the guys…

My version of NaKniSweMo 2008

National Sweater Knitting Month (NaKniSweMo) is upon us again, coinciding with “NaNoWriMo”:http://www.nanowrimo.org/ as usual. I am contemplating a new take on it – new to me anyway. Instead of casting on yet ANOTHER sweater, I’m going to estimate the number of stitches left to knit on the three main sweaters that I currently have on…

Contractual Perplexities

Contracts, lawyers, utilities, floor plans, packing, storing – there are so many details we are swirling through working out. But it’s all good. Even during dream time we experience mildly tumultuous times and it’s all worth it. Our dream may not be among the common, but it’s ours and it’s unfolding. On another note I…

Our Land Adventure Begins

While I am ever so excited to be reducing our excessive space (to heat, clean and just plain waste) and trade it in for the whole mind set behind living in a “Little House on a Small Planet,”:http://books.google.com/books?id=CU68rXjM1UEC&dq=%22little+house+on+a+small+planet%22&pg=PP1&ots=2-N-lLdfAZ&source=bn&sig=3uqcSmIq6_RU9fMG3aSmZvtNLHs&hl=en&sa=X&oi=book_result&resnum=4&ct=result#PPT264,M1 it is quite an adventure figuring out the floor plan for our first phase of building. Taking…

21 Beautiful Acres!

After a grueling, nail-biting delay, our offer has been accepted! p=. *** Cartwheels *** This good news is so timely I can’t even express it! So many other things in my life have been topsy turvey, to say the least. Now to get through the next few days…. Homeschool co-op in the morning, and then…

19 Fleeces shorn today

Wow, it’s been since the middle of June since I updated. So sad, because quite a bit has been going on. My title explanation: p{float:left;padding:10px}. !http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3150/2644251209_c720a35a9f_m.jpg! We were FINALLY able to get an appointment with the shearer! We had our 4 ewes shorn and we also picked up 14 other sheep fleece (mostly suffolk, most…

Neverending Socks, Spinning, and all sorts of Babies

p{float:left;padding-right:5px}. I haven’t finished “his socks”:http://www.ravelry.com/projects/starzabove/retro-rib-socks not even for “SAM5.”:http://sockamonthkal5.blogspot.com/ p{float:right;padding-left:5px;clear:both}. I have been out to see Mama C’s Twin girls, who are thriving. p{float:left;padding-right:5px;clear:both}. And Mama Romney’s Twin boys are doing great, as well. p{float:right;padding-left:5px;clear:both}. I’ve been dyeing and spinning Frankie Lee and other bits of wool, etc. p{float:left;padding-right:5px;clear:both}. And I’ve been clothing and…