While I am ever so excited to be reducing our excessive space (to heat, clean and just plain waste) and trade it in for the whole mind set behind living in a “Little House on a Small Planet,”:http://books.google.com/books?id=CU68rXjM1UEC&dq=%22little+house+on+a+small+planet%22&pg=PP1&ots=2-N-lLdfAZ&source=bn&sig=3uqcSmIq6_RU9fMG3aSmZvtNLHs&hl=en&sa=X&oi=book_result&resnum=4&ct=result#PPT264,M1 it is quite an adventure figuring out the floor plan for our first phase of building. Taking…
All posts in newz
21 Beautiful Acres!
After a grueling, nail-biting delay, our offer has been accepted! p=. *** Cartwheels *** This good news is so timely I can’t even express it! So many other things in my life have been topsy turvey, to say the least. Now to get through the next few days…. Homeschool co-op in the morning, and then…
This Land is OUR Land?!?!
I can hardly believe it. Is it just a dream or did we really negotiate a deal on some land? We have wanted this for YEARS! It’s hard to sleep. I keep checking my email for the final acceptance. Pinch. OUCH! There is so much to do! There are plans to make, packing to do,…
Snow Storming Decisions
It’s snowing here – still – has been pretty much all day. Everything is bright and quiet out there, even in the middle of the night. I’m about done with winter and it’s ice storms and tornadoes and what not. I’m ready for spring. Even though I know that heightens the actual normal threat of…
My first post ala Curve
I’m finally posting from my “Blackberry Curve!”:http://www.blackberrycurve.com It took some searching but thanks to the “Opera Mini”:http://www.operamini.com browser I can finally post on here when the inspiration arises. I don’t know if I am the only one – but I’ve been blind-sided by Christmas. I am SO not ready. I’m trying to focus on the…
Surrounded by boxes, yet again
I can’t believe it – we’re moving, again. I’ve moved enough for 3 lifetimes already. We are headed back south, over the border, and closer to “our business.”:http://yarnalong.com The worst part – this won’t be our last move. I so yearn to buy some land and stay there for the rest of my life. I…
I just noticed that the leaves are starting to change
First, the good news – I was able to hold a BABY last week! And not only did I hold her, but within 2 minutes she was asleep on my shoulder! Okay, in unison: p=. _Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!_ It was like she felt the groove on my shoulder from the gazillion times that a baby has fallen…
Time for a change…..
In so many ways. Maybe I’ll take a little time out and redesign here, to give myself a breathe of fresh air. Maybe. My birthday was last month. Here is the beautiful cake _He_ picked up for the occasion:
Summer melts into Fall
There is hope, finally, that summer will draw into Fall. Thank goodness! Have you discovered “Ravelry?”:http://www.ravelry.com I love it! If you have, add me or let me know your user name so that I can add you to my friends list. How’s business? How bad can it be, I’m surrounded by all of that yarn…
Life, Sunshine and Yarn
Yes, I’m still overwhelmed. I even fell asleep early last night. Then I woke up at 3:30 a.m. and I haven’t been able to go back to sleep. i usually have a hard time getting to sleep in the first place!! How’s life? My current response if I’m at the shop is, “We’re surrounded by…