Tour de Fleece 2006

As knitter’s we had the “Knitting Olympics,”: and now for spinners we have the “Tour de Fleece, 2006.”: Corresponding with the beginning and ending of the “Tour de France”: we will be setting our spinning goals to start on July 1st, as the race begins, and hopefully meeting our goals by the time the race…

Wiki Interesting

Go to “Wikipedia”: and type in your birthday and month (not year). List: 3 events that happened on your birthday (I was carried away and listed 5). 2 important births 1 interesting death. Post this in your journal. Three (Five) Events: * 1934 – The first All-American Soap Box Derby is held in Dayton, Ohio.…

SP7 Questionnaire

How embarrassing! I typed this up a couple of weeks ago and never took it out of draft status into Live- Sorry SP! *1. Are you a yarn snob (do you prefer higher quality and/or natural fibers)? Do you avoid Red Heart and Lion Brand?* I prefer natural fibers, but I knit a bit of…

23/5 variation meme

I remember, “a year or so ago,”: doing a meme where you pick up a book, turn to the 23rd page, and type the 5th sentence in your blog. Well here is a blog-archives-23/5 variation on that meme: 1. Go into your archives. 2. Find your 23rd post (or closest to). 3. Find the fifth…

Googlicious meme

I haven’t done a meme in quite some time and this one, that I found “here”: looks interesting. Especially since it uses a couple of my favorite things – Images and Google. h4. Google an image for the following things in your life: h5. First Car A bumblebee yellow, Datsun B210 hatchback -humbaby. p(columnwide). !…

State that again, please

p{font-weight:normal}. *bold* the states you’ve been to, %{border-bottom:1px solid}underline% the states you’ve lived in and %{color:navy}_italicize_% the state you’re in now… p{font-weight:normal}. *Alabama* / Alaska / *Arizona* / Arkansas / %{border-bottom:1px solid}California% / *Colorado* / Connecticut / Delaware / *Florida* / %{border-bottom:1px solid}Georgia% / *Hawaii* / Idaho / *Illinois* / %{color:navy}_Indiana_% / *Iowa* / Kansas…