Quick check-in

Yesterday’s goals for today:

Set pole for mailboxes in concrete
-Plant some more in the garden- _some_
Go for a walk
Dock lamb #3’s tail
Work for a few hours
Spin – if only for a little while

One thing was done, at least partially. We planted 4 more hills of zucchini squash, to go along with the 2 that we planted as starts. We planted 4 more hills of cucumbers, also in addition to the 2 that we planted as starts. We planted a row of spinach, that probably won’t make it, so I’ll have to pick up more seeds. Most of the seeds in the packet had sprouted, I think the package somehow ran into some dampness. And Angel planted some herbs: basil, oregano and tarragon (a family fave). She plans to start some chamomile in pots.

We also did some hoeing, weeding and blackberry plant removal. There is a patch nearby and the suckers were trying to invade, so we dug them up as best we could. There are still more out there to remove, which we will do as we plant those areas.
I love blackberries but they can easily take over an area if you let them – so we are attempting to garner control over them.

Something ate our little strawberries that were growing on our starts. I imagine it was either chickens or the bunny. She’s been running around loose in the chicken coop (funny bunny) and has also been seen outside of the coop a few times, though she does run right back into the coop to hide if anyone goes out that way. She’s our Angora bunny, Fauna. She’s 3 years old, I believe.
So we are planning to fence in the garden, hopefully this weekend.

Husband and Son worked on the new lower horse pasture. They ran into quite a few problems with large rocks, but they persisted and have a row started of fence posts – mostly, if not all, cedar. Cody has been escaping the temporary pasture in the Oasis, over and over. In fact, Son and I just went out, in the middle of the night, and put him back in the temporary pasture. I pray he stays nearby long enough for us to finish the lower pasture this weekend. It’s going to be a large job, but a very necessary one.

I didn’t make it out for a walk, but I sure did sweat in the garden doing so much weeding, cultivating and planting. It was a rather warm, humid day, too.

The work I had planned was canceled today. However, I did work with “Jillian”:http://mollman.com for a bit on a new revision for “President’s Park.”:http://presidentspark.com They have an exciting tour project coming up very soon, so we took the opportunity to give the site a bit of a refreshing.

So here are tomorrow’s goals:

Go into town to apply for replacement SS Card for Angel
Pick up wire for horse/cow pasture & animal feed
Set pole for mailboxes in concrete
Plant some more in the garden
Go for a walk
Dock lamb #3’s tail
Call shearer and setup appointment
Spin – if only for a little while

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