Angel finishes her surprise for Jasmine

p. ! finishes her surprise for Jasmine)! p. Angel finishes her surprise for Jasmine p. She calls it “HeathRose” and there is a long sorted story behind this scarf that involves the names of the yarns used – sort of an inside thing. But once again my creative 14yo improvised her own lovely pattern. Jasmine…

Red Mitten Knitting in the Dark

p{float:right;padding:10px}. ! Mitten Knitting in the Dark)! p. I am now testing out ‘moblog’ posting via “Flickr”: I hope this works – it could really be fun! This is one of my few furiously-last-minute-Christmas-knitting projects. And yes, I am mostly in the dark, listening to the latest “Cast-on”: podcast and _his_ snoring and knitting this…