Merry Christmas ‘2004

It almost feels like Christmas here. There is DEFINITELY snow – we had one of the major storms of the century, broke records, were snowed in – that whole thing. But _he’s_ not home yet. And we as a familial unit have put off _really_ celebrating until he is here tonight. Merry wishes and blessings…

Turkeys to Trees

Well, we had a nice Thanksgiving here, hope you did, too. The usual – family, friends, food. Very thankful that _he_ was home for it, and stepdad was able to be home, as well. Now, onto the Christmas season…. I decided that being out at 6 or 7 a.m. was not in the cards this…


Well, it seems that you can see some form of the Aurora Borealis here, rarely, and I did! It was about a week ago, and it was eerie, almost looked like clouds, these strange streaks in the sky, and they kind of moved, like a rainbow does, as I was driving along. Now I came…