everything he says

No that’s all i got to say about that i’m not playing with you i’m definitely not playing with you okay give me one dice i’m playing with you snort you better roll that’ll be about the only thing you take over pencil please (rolls, taking turn) fifty six don’t have to expel much energy…

Now I’m behind

Well, all of the chaos has put me behind, so I guess this means it’s time for a contest. This one will be for anyone who comments at any time during the course of the Blogathon. I mentioned it in the beginning, but I’m mentioning it again. The winner gets to make a choice! The…

Waylaid by sparks and smoke

That was scary! Our tankless on-demand water heater just erupted in fireworks and smoke! The lights blinked and we heard a horrible sound like electricity zapping. Sparks were shooting across the bathroom and even through the unfinished wall into the room on the other side. A horrible smell of burnt wiring has filled the house.…

Heading indoors

Bugs! Dangit! For some reason the solar porch light isn’t working tonight so guess what the bugs are drawn to as it darkens? Yes, my laptop screen – ugh! ……………… Okay, we pull another light out here, my son fiddles with the solar porch light, and it works! So I’m trying to convince all bugs…

Halfway mark in Blogathon 2009

Wow, we are almost halfway through Blogathon 2009! I’ve already been through the ‘brief-post’ phase, but I haven’t hit the ‘nonsensical-post’ phase. Yet. I think I’ll cruise back to my Junior year in high school, to Mr. Lowry’s English class. We kept journals in this class and very often Mr. Lowry would assign a ‘stream…

Blogging from the porch

Well, it’s sort of a porch. It’s on the ground, though it will be above it, someday. It’s covered, even though it’s temporary covering. You can’t beat the view, though. Trees, grass and flowers along with the sound of birds singing, kids playing. There’s a refreshing little breeze every now and then. The sun is…

Danielle the cancer kicker

I don’t know Danielle, but I know her friend Teresa. Teresa recently took Danielle to the doctor to be checked and her cancer is back. Danielle kicked cancer’s butt before, and we’re all pulling for her to kick some serious cancer butt again! What started out as breast cancer has traveled. Danielle will have surgery…

My Grammie

I miss my Grammie. We lost her 6 years ago to lung cancer that had metastasized to her brain. She was diagnosed around Thanksgiving, she went through radiation in December, we brought her out here to take care of her at the beginning of January, and she left us just a few weeks later. I…