G’day Arlene

We were visited by the remnants of T.S. Arlene yesterday. Seems weird that we are even affected by anything Tropical, being here in the Midwest, but it rained most of the day. It was kind of a nice change. I’m sure it was a a little too much at once for the farmers around here, but it wasn’t too bad.

I spent the day recovering from the “Holiday World”:http://www.holidayworld.com excursion from the day before. My sinus’ were a drag, as expected, mixed with some sunburn pain on my shoulders, forehead and nose, and soreness in muscles everywhere. BooHopper had me chasing her all over the place, trying to keep up with her – she had such a BLAST! The other kiddos can’t wait for 2 weeks, when we all get to go, courtesy of _his_ company, giving their picnic there. I’m thankful for the respite in between and the experience for the future visit from this past Saturday’s trip.

There’s not a whole lot of knitting been done since then. But after I work a load on some work-work today, I plan to reward myself with some tonight. Then _maybe_ I’ll get a chance to make it to the local knitter’s get-together tomorrow night. We’ll see – no hopes up too high here.

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