allergies kicking up – not just my imagination!

My allergy symptoms have been acting up for the past week – and I couldn’t exactly figure out why….. since it seems that my bad times are when tree pollens are active. Well, the tree pollens peaked back in the spring, followed by grass, and then those two disappeared, basically giving way to ragweed season. I didn’t think I had any reactions to ragweed, and I was right. Just out of curiosity, as I was checking the temps on “the weather”: , since we are having unseasonably cool temps and I am always fascinated by the weather, I clicked on the Very High Pollen Alert that was floating across the screen. And lo and behold, Tree Pollens are up there again. They are just low, but they aren’t non-existent like they were for a couple of months. The logical, analytical in me really loves it when things make some sort of bizarre sense in this crazy, mixed up world.
Unfortunately tree pollens don’t seem to be the only thing I am allergic to, since I have tried several times a year since being put on allergy meds 3 years ago, to go off of them, and I never make it. But when the tree pollens kick up, they even overpower my current drug-of-choice – “Zyrtec”: . I really need to get tested someday, so maybe we can narrow things down and treat them more efficiently. Oh yeah, need insurance for that . Amazing that I never had allergies until I relocated to near where the South meets the Midwest from the northwestern California coast. But then I’ve heard that this can happen to women _my age_. Ugh. Reminds me of _that day_ coming up. Ugh. Good Night.

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