What am I doing?

Well this is what we did the other day: “The Animal Planet Expo”:http://animal.discovery.com/features/expo/what.html Some cool stuff, but a lot of advertising for the Animal Planet television network, which was wasted on us, since the kids already watch it.

Star Wars – Store Wars

“THIS”:http://www.storewars.org is HILARIOUS! Sadly, there is a lot of gnawing truth to it, though. I will HAVE to share that with the big kids and _him_. They (especially _him_) REALLY want to see the “last episode.”:http://imdb.com/title/tt0121766/ I told him I could go, and I’d bring my knitting, just in case it’s a bomb

I taught myself knitting!

I think! Well I picked up “this kit”:http://www.wrights.com/products/catalog/boyeline/6398_lg.htm and here is my first attempt (keeping in mind that these are just learning and experimenting stitches, not a set pattern): !http://photos6.flickr.com/6798245_3b82d7363b_m.jpg! I did NOT like the English method of ‘_Throwing_’, I am MUCH more comfy with Continental, but I’m thinking that may be because I have…

Mr. Bojangles

Well, the princess’ violin/fiddle should arrive via UPS tomorrow. I can’t tell you how excited she is about it. She just walked by again, playing her ‘air violin’ and crying out ‘Mama! It’ll be here tomorrow!’. Hilarious. But it is fun to see her so excited about something, it’s even contagious. So, the idea of…

State that again, please

p{font-weight:normal}. *bold* the states you’ve been to, %{border-bottom:1px solid}underline% the states you’ve lived in and %{color:navy}_italicize_% the state you’re in now… p{font-weight:normal}. *Alabama* / Alaska / *Arizona* / Arkansas / %{border-bottom:1px solid}California% / *Colorado* / Connecticut / Delaware / *Florida* / %{border-bottom:1px solid}Georgia% / *Hawaii* / Idaho / *Illinois* / %{color:navy}_Indiana_% / *Iowa* / Kansas…