“This is a great article”:http://www.yarnharlot.ca/blog/archives/2008/01/07/in_praise_of_cheap_wool.html about wool. Seriously, read it. I’m considering contacting Stephanie for permission to put a copy of it in with “our shop’s”:http://yarnalong.com next newsletter at the end of this month.
The mid-month clues are up for the “Monthly Dishcloths Yahoo Group”:http://groups.yahoo.com/group/MonthlyDishcloths/ and I’m enjoying this one as the clues come out, day by day.
p{float:left;padding-right:10px}. !http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2076/2200731703_047cb62427_m.jpg!
This week I’ve been working my ahooha off, _enjoying_ our *cold* weather and experiencing the feeling of being BURIED in WIP(Works In Progress) ‘s. I am thankful that we are a sickie-free household after I pretty much spent my weekend in a sinus-coma (Yes, that is an exaggeration, but it’s purpose was to emphasize pain not tragedy). Now I think I’ll go and knit myself to sleep.