Isn’t this:
! clapotis)!:
(This one is a few rows further – you can barely see the first drop hanging there on the edge – “Mom’s”: “Clapotis”: out of “SWTCo Karaoke”: )
so much better than this was?:
! clapotis bad shot)!:
and isn’t this much better:
! 2atonce magicloop socks)!:
(“koigu”: gifted from “caitlyn”: “wendy’s”: “toe-up socks”: converted to doing “two-at-once”: “on the “magic loop”: )
than this was?:
! 2atonce magicloop socks bad shot)!:
And lastly this is better:
! 1 shrug)!:
(Why yes, that is a magic loop made from “Denise needles”: on the sleeve you see there. I’m taking them down to 3/4 sleeves and it will be done.)
than this was:
! 1 shrugbad shot)!:
Ah, the difference an “awesome camera”: can make!