Earlier we mentioned Angela’s dad, now I want to mention her grandmother. Yes, so soon after losing her dad, she more recently, just weeks ago, lost her grandmother, Mildred Summers, to liver cancer.
How many different types of cancer is that that we’ve mentioned?
We should count them. If I was more awake I would. You know I would, don’t you? If you know me, you do.
I remember Ang mentioning the passing of her Grandmother, and yes, it is a bit easier, letting go, sometimes, when the person has lived a long, full, life, but still – how this killer, cancer, goes about doing that is still so sad.
Do yourself a favor, and a loved one – HUG someone today, just randomly, for no reason at all – just for the sake of sharing a moment, for appreciating what you can do, when you are able to do it. I know I’d love to give my Grammie a hug right now….
p=. _*I can only imagine….*_