Thursday Threesome – 7/15/04

*::State Fair and Rodeo::*

*Onesome- State:* _What state (or territory) do you live in? Have you lived in any other(s)? Where would you like to live? And as a bonus: Any idea what year your state became a state? *grin*_

Indiana now, was born and raised in California and lived there until just 4 years ago, except for a couple of short stints in Virginia and Georgia while husband was in the military.

*Twosome- Fair:* _Or amusement parks: Did you enjoy them as a kid? What was your favorite ride? How do you feel about them now? Ready to go wander around one again, sampling funnel cakes and corn dogs and riding rides until you’re sick or would you rather just enjoy the entertainment?_

Yes, I enjoyed them, but I never have been a roller-coaster-rider. I’d love to take the kids to one and share memories with them.

*Threesome- And Rodeo:* _Have you ever been to or watched a rodeo on TV? Did you enjoy it or consider it a barbaric spectacle? If you liked it, what was your favorite event? Ever tempted to race barrels or ride a bull yourself?_

I’ve attended one in person a couple of times as a child/teenager, but I did more socializing than watching what was going on in the arena. I have no favorite event and have no desire to participate – just not my thang.

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