Schwarzenegger for govenor in Calif

h4. It’s not just a rumor!

Yes, it is confirmed, Arnold Schwarzenegger is running for govenor of California.
I guess things are so bad, they are having a recall election in California to get rid of Davis. If Davis is voted out, voters will have the chance to vote for one of the people who have registered as willing to serve as Govenor.
Oh, My.

19 comments / Add your comment below

  1. Taxing thoughts to ponder:
    Accounts Receivable Tax
    Building Permit Tax
    Capital Gains Tax
    CDL license Tax
    Cigarette Tax
    Corporate Income Tax
    Court Fines (indirect taxes)
    Dog License Tax
    Federal Income Tax
    Federal Unemployment Tax (FUTA)
    Fishing License Tax
    Food License Tax
    Fuel permit tax
    Gasoline Tax (42 cents per gallon)
    Hunting License Tax
    Inheritance Tax
    Interest expense (tax on the money)
    Inventory tax
    IRS Interest Charges (tax on top of tax)
    IRS Penalties (tax on top of tax)
    Liquor Tax
    Local Income Tax
    Luxury Taxes
    Marriage License Tax
    Medicare Tax
    Property Tax
    Real Estate Tax
    Septic Permit Tax
    Service charge taxes
    Social Security Tax
    Road usage taxes (Truckers)
    Sales Taxes
    Recreational Vehicle Tax
    Road Toll Booth Taxes
    School Tax
    State Income Tax
    State Unemployment Tax (SUTA)
    Telephone federal excise tax
    Telephone federal universal
    service fee tax
    Telephone federal, state and
    local surcharge taxes
    Telephone minimum usage surcharge tax
    Telephone recurring and nonrecurring
    charges tax
    Telephone state and local tax
    Telephone usage charge tax
    Toll Bridge Taxes
    Toll Tunnel Taxes
    Traffic Fines (indirect taxation)
    Trailer registration tax
    Utility Taxes Vehicle License
    Registration Tax
    Vehicle Sales Tax
    Watercraft registration Tax
    Well Permit Tax
    Workers Compensation Tax

    COMMENTS: Not one of these taxes existed
    100 years ago and our nation was the most
    prosperous in the world, had absolutely
    no national debt, had the largest middle
    class in the world and Mom stayed home
    to raise the kids.

    What do you think changed?

  2. I wonder why the only debate that Arnold is participating in is the one that the candidates will be given the questions beforehand? Hmmm!

    I prefer entertainers to entertain me!!! Keep your day job Arnold!!!

    Now that the interview that he did many years ago for Qui magazine has come back into public view with details of sordid sex, the Kennedy Clan have finally accepted him as one of their own!!!

  3. I think that Arnold is the only choice for CA Govenor! He has done more to help children than any other candidate that is running. I think that the public is tired of the CAREER Politicial whose goal is to cater to big business and their wallets. Arnold, make business grow and we won’t have to tax the working class to pay for career politicians mistakes. VOTE October 7, 2003 for the right candidate, and may the best man for the people WIN!

  4. There’s somthing that people seem to be forgetting, and that is the fact that Arnold is a republican. Regardless of what he intends to do, republican, hellacious tendencies could manifest themeselves.


  6. I am a thirteen year old girl.I have met Arnold previous times in my life,and I think that Arnold is a great man!


  8. Dear Govenor,

    I am opposed to your spending cap which is a joke. a balanced budget means you raise taxes to meet the run away expenditures by the lefty state legislature. When will it stop. I voted for you tostop it.

    I will vote no on a 15 billion bond without a spending cap. A spending cap means to go back to 1999 expenditures and increased spending is tied to increased legal immigrants and US citizens minus the legal immigrants and US citizens leavig this state. The difference is the increase or the decline.

    I have had it. No more games or I will leave this state.

    Take it or leave it , I pay taxes.

  9. Mr. Govenor,
    I was recently in California for a visit with family and was arrested and spent 5 days in the Madera Co. jail. The problem is, is I was arrested for possesion of Meth. Now I have never done this now did i have any on me. I was treated wrongly, not read my rights by the office or even told I was under arrest. Until I had spent 2 and a half hours in a cell, and then was read my rights as I was walking outside to a sqaud car to be transferred. Then 5 days later i was taken to court only to find out I hadn’t been charged with anything and would be released that evening. when I signed my release papers I was told as long as I stayed out of trouble, charges wouldnt be filed. Now Jan 6, 04 I am told I must appear in court on Jan 20, 04 and being charged with 3+ counts. I am back in my home state. Across country! I have two kids to take care of and now have to find a way to get back to your state of CA. To fight this matter. I was never tested for Meth, although I asked to be. The arresting officer from Chowchilla told me I was lieing to him and had called me a bitch at one time. I ended up missing my son’s 4th birthday that I can never celebrate with him. Or even get back. I demanded to be tested several times and was denied. I do plan on making the court date. and I do plan on informing the media cause I know my rights were violated. I can’t believe innocent people are being treated this way. If you or if you know anyone that could possibly help me I would appreciate it, and so would my children. Jami E.

  10. Dear Mr.Govenor,
    I know you probably hear peoples problems everyday,but the reason I am writing this
    letter is because my husband was transferred to
    CCF on Oct.23rd.2003 for violation of probation(drugs).My sister passed away from breast cancer on the day he was transferred and she was only 41 years of age.My other sister was diagnosed with breast cancer as well and is in her 4th stage as well, she is 40 yrs old.When my husband was sentenced, the judge said that he had no problem if my husband visited with my sister who was on her death bed. after he was returned to county jail the Captain said no!!!She died the day he was sent to prison he never did get to say goodbye or go the funeral.I am so disqusted the way that this was handled.I understand if you break the law you must do the time!! But we are a small community and everyone knows everyone.He might be a pest but he is far from being a bad person. My huband was refused drug rehabilitation by the court why? (This is his first time in prison)Is that not his right?I have not seen my husband since Oct.23rd.2003.My 9 year old son and I traveled 5 1/2 to Wasco to visit him when I was approved(I even called the day before we left to make sure.When we arrived they said that we could not visit him because he was being transferred again.After spending the money for the hotel etc… Why did they not say that the day before.My son was crushed.Now he is at his final destination,and I sent in the forms for visitation for myself and his mother and father (at the same time) theirs was approved and its been two weeks mine still is not.I am saddened with the way things have been handled, as well as my husbands actions.

  11. Dear Govenor,
    Although I live in Wisconsin, you would have got my vote, you are a strong individual, trustworthy and honest. I believe California needs a person like you.
    Sir, please know you are respected and an answer to California’s needs

  12. Dear Govenor,
    I think the day after the election when you said your daughter came into your room and addressed you as Mr. Govenor, was pretty impressive, it tells the world your family means the world to you….that is awesome!!!!
    Boulder Junction, Wisconsin is having a History Day June 27,2004 to make money for our new museum. Would you concider donating a few autographed pictures, or some things for our auction, raffles, etc. You are many people’s favorite, just an all around good person!!!

  13. Dear Govenor, My uncle lived in Sonora right in the way of the Sonora Expressway. My uncle was getting older and became very lonely after his wife of 37 years died. It took us a 1 1/2 years to talk him into moving in with us. On May 31st 2002 my Uncle went down to the real estate agency and filled out all the paper work to put his place on the market. They listed it for 145000.00 The real estate agent came down a couple of days later and gave back the all his paper work and said they can’t sell it because cal-trans is going to buy the land. This property had already hit the papers. We were told they had about 6 people call on the property already. At that time there were people living in all the houses. The house across the gravel road was still occupied with people. That same week we found out my uncle was not in good health and called to see how to speed up the process. We (my husdand & I) were told there is emergency buyouts. We started the process, the sad part about that is we were told emergency buyouts could take up to 4 months. Well guess what, my uncle didn’t have 4 months. He passed away on July 25th 2002. My uncle left the property to me and to this day the land has not been purchased. The bad part is we can’t sell the property to anybody else either. The people that are left up there, caltrans is trying to cheat them out of the money for the property and the property itself. Why can the government get away with taking stuff away from people like that? I know one lady who is having to sue caltrans just so she can move. I know the state is in a crunch but this money was set aside for the Sonora Expressway along time ago. When I call caltrans, people don’t call back, they avoid the question. I really feel they are lying to us. We can not go on this way forever but I think this is what caltrans wants is to break down the people so they will settle. This is so wrong. I sure would like help in getting this problem solved. Is there any help?

  14. Dear Govenor, how do I spell Govenor? Yours truly ;)

    lol, I wish I could get some internet noobs on my site posting letters to the “govenor” ;)

  15. if all of you out of stater’s want the Hitler Youth guy for your governor, you can have him with my condolences. His approval ratting is at 38% right now and that is generous. This is what happens when there is no test for voting. Only people who think or at least know the facts should vote. For most of you, the Constitution did not give you the right to vote. The reason? The framers knew that the average man on the farm was uneducated and uninformed. Only men who owned land could vote. That way people like Arnold would be kept from doing any harm. Arnold’s five special election initiatives are in trouble. Only one will actually make the ballot. That is one special election for fifty million dollars. Yea, the guy is good for the state. Like we have money to burn. The Republicans can’t get anything through the state legistrater so they have resorted to special elections.
    The Romans were right. Give the people entertainment and food and they will be satisfied. They won’t “meddle” in the affairs of the state, where the real power lays and the real damage can be done.

    oh, and for the lady who should have known from the sixth grade on, Arnold can’t run for president because he was foreign born. That means he was born not in this country but in another one. He’s from the part of Europe that did the most damage in the twentieth century. Fifty million dead and counting.

  16. I no longer support the gov because I just found out he thinks there is nothing wrong with illegal immigration.Actually neither will he have the spport of the rest of my family. We are here legally and consider this a slap in the face that you think it is ok to bully our government into granting citizenship. I am not prejudice nor do I hate a particular country anyone here illegally is in the wrong. We cannot take in the whole world there has to be guidelines

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