So we’re heading out momentarily to go to Indy to pick up Mom & Stepdad from the airport. They got a cash offer on their house back in California (haven’t responded it) and are coming out to see the house/lake property next door to us. Exciting!
I have so much work left to do. This bead nightmare, which I am tired of talkin about so I’m sure anyone (if there is anyone) that read this, is getting tired of hearing about it, but it’s not over yet. It just doesn’t seem to end. Couple sections missed, one section mispriced, 2 categories that should’ve been one. But on the brighter side, via teleconference this morning I walked the owner through some of the new cart options and she seems very pleased with the setup.
So, off to check over my house, that I haven’t been able to give the good, deep, cleaning to, that I have wanted to do for so long. Then off to Indy.
I read…all the time.