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The underside of the Columbine
Here is the underside of the fuchsia-like Columbine, upside-down hanging flower. !http://WWW.starzabove.COM/oldphotogallery/archives/flowers/underside.jpg!
May Day Project
This sounds like fun! I found out about it on Jenn’s site. I plan to participate, do you?
Lightning view
Here is a very “simplistic” view of some of the lightning we had last night when a rather large thunderstorm rolled through. (be sure and click for the larger view)
One of my favorite colors, this orange-red
I love this orange-red color. There is also a variety of rose that’s name escapes me at the moment that is very similar that I love. Anyone know what this is? !http://WWW.starzabove.COM/oldphotogallery/archives/flowers/orangeredblossoms.jpg!
Oh My….Blossoms
Now there are blossoms and then there are Blossoms! This is NOT a macro, these are like the size of the average Rose. Love ‘em! !http://www.starzabove.com/oldphotogallery/archives/flowers/blossoms.jpg!
White Blossoms Afar
So this is why it’s called Spring….one day, barely buds, the next it’s BLOSSOMS! They are all over. Amazing. It’s going to be a beautiful Spring! !http://WWW.starzabove.COM/oldphotogallery/archives/landscape/whiteblossomsafar.jpg!
Geese in the Mist
One of them posed anyway. They wandered over and come onland to the beach area I was on, probably because they couldn’t believe I was really there. !http://WWW.starzabove.COM/oldphotogallery/archives/birds/geeseinthemist.jpg!
Sunrise Today
Proof that I was actually there. !http://WWW.starzabove.COM/oldphotogallery/archives/landscape/sunrisetoday.jpg!
Daffodil Sunrise
The best light of the day, is of course, at sunrise & sunset. And I caught the sunrise! !http://WWW.starzabove.COM/oldphotogallery/archives/flowers/daffodilsunrise.jpg!