This or That Tuesday – 3/11/03

1. Married or single? HAPPILY Married 2. Knit or crochet? crochet 3. Homebody or world traveller? homebody, but like to travel 4. “Star Search” or “American Idol”? neither 5. Dancing or karaoke? dancing 6. Elvis Presley or Elvis Costello? Presley 7. Bus or train? I’ve never rode on a train, but I think I’d like…

Friday Five- recent things

1. What was the last song you heard? “Thank You” by the Katinas 2. What were the last two movies you saw? “My Big Fat Greek Wedding” “And We Were Soldiers” 3. What were the last three things you purchased? pepsi, popcorn & milk (along with tuna, crayons, cereal, juice, chips, canned veggies & duck…

I remember

I remember, way back when, thinking that I couldn’t imagine her leaving this life….. and not being around. And now…. I can’t imagine her leaving this life, or her not being here.