You’ve been forewarned!
I’m not just saying it once.
I’m saying it several times.
If you do NOT want to see a GREAT variety of BEAUTIFUL knitting patterns, do NOT go “HERE.”:
Oh, and by the way, the image pop-ups don’t seem to work, but if you click on the little flags and go to the pattern you can click on the images in there for close-ups.
p.s. If you do find something you really like – share, please! I’m just overwhelmed!
Thanks for the Drops reminder. I love their stuff! I will be emailing you a list of the things I need to learn and discuss. Let me know what time works on Tuesday, although I was just reminded of a PTA meeting at 9:00, should be done by 10:00, and then I am going next door for lunch at 11:00, done by 12:00. If you can follow that random info!
Love the baby hat! Love the sweaters, socks look great!