So, I think I’m almost done, and then I’m not. SO embarrassing when the client finds a section missing, the first section they go to is the ONLY section I missed. I even had them double checked after that. Oh, well. There are almost 3,000 products already. I guess one subcategory missing is not to major. But for this midlly perfectionist personality, it was stressful. Add that to the fact that I have been SO into this database entry/setup and imaging that I have gotten rusty on my CSS and setting up the templates is taking much longer than expected. Now tomorrow I have to train the owner and staff (2500 miles away) on how to utilize the new cart system.
Don’t even get me started on how I haven’t been able to deep-clean my house and my Mom is coming to visit day after tomorrow!!!
On a good note, Jill shared this with me and I sang it to my love and we danced: