Snow and dues

It’s gorgeous outside. We must’ve had about 6 inches of snow overnight, covering everything so beautifully. But i’m thinking that when I go out into it in a little bit here, I’m going to notice the COLDNESS more than how beautiful it is, LOL.

How was your weekend?

I was involved with a women”s conference yesterday. I had designed and printed the brochures, and then i designed graphics for this years and next years conference”s to be displayed on projection screen as you can see here below. I went and displayed the graphics via powerpoint at the appropriate times and my assistant and…

I’m an autodidact!

au?to?di?dact Pronunciation: “o-tO-’dI-”dakt, -dI-’, -d&-’ Function: noun Etymology: Greek autodidaktos self-taught, from aut- + didaktos taught, from didaskein to teach Date: 1748 : a self-taught person – au?to?di?dac?tic /-dI-’dak-tik, -d&-/ adjective sounds better than the fact that I don’t have a degree – yet.