Some 50 Questions or so

50 questions – as seen elsewhere on the ‘net 1. Your name spelled backwards. iroL 2. Where were your parents born? Oregon and California 3. What is the last thing you downloaded onto your computer? eToDo -a cool, free, todo list reminder program 4. What’s your favorite restaurant? Olive Garden 5. Last time you swam…

An Autumn Sunset

Ah yes… and many more autumn visions to come. I hope everyone enjoys the fall, I know I really do. Now if only my head would cooperate…. p.s. If you are reading this you are a true blue ParLori PJ reader and I would LOVE it if you would take a sneak peek and give…

The song of a child

Well we received a nice long rainfall here. lasted for over 24 hours straight I do believe. Not what a child likes to see when she is so interested in playing outside on new yard toys. Fall is here. Have I said that? I am ready for it. It”s my favorite season. Have I said…

A new Hobby..

If you don’t like secrets, just pass by this entry, please. I found a new and exciting hobby I think! The family is going to try it out tomorrow. Anticipation! Some hints… …you can do it, it’s done all over the world, but not many people know about it, I didn’t until tonight. …there is…