I love this orange-red color. There is also a variety of rose that’s name escapes me at the moment that is very similar that I love. Anyone know what this is? !http://WWW.starzabove.COM/oldphotogallery/archives/flowers/orangeredblossoms.jpg!
Closeup on the yellows
Someone told me this weekend the name of these, but of course, I forgot. I’m still native Californian and getting used to the different plant/tree varieties out here in the Midwest. But they are a nice, vibrant yellow. !http://WWW.starzabove.COM/oldphotogallery/archives/flowers/closeupyellows.jpg!
I’m showing you what I see
Pretty snazzy, eh? Should I tell you my secrets? The webcam-less screenshot webcam. It”s kind of funny, how I somehow bunnytrailed around the “net and found out how to do this at Leo”s site, and then as I was setting it up, Leo was talking about it on Screensavers!
Contact Sheets in XP
Maybe a small discovery, but a very useful one for me. Since I tend to take a LOT of Photos, I upload them into daily folders, within monthly folders. So now, all I have to do is open one of these daily folders. and click on ‘Print Photos’ in XP and after a few other…
Does size matter? for allergy pills, hello!
So I initially was prescribed Claritin (pre-OTC), and my insurance deductible was $50 a month. So, in researching whether this was the best I could do, the pharmacist recommends Allegra, which he says is basically the same deal, just different way of doing it. He contacted my doc, received the okay, and changed me to…
Oh My….Blossoms
Now there are blossoms and then there are Blossoms! This is NOT a macro, these are like the size of the average Rose. Love ‘em! !http://www.starzabove.com/oldphotogallery/archives/flowers/blossoms.jpg!
White Blossoms Afar
So this is why it’s called Spring….one day, barely buds, the next it’s BLOSSOMS! They are all over. Amazing. It’s going to be a beautiful Spring! !http://WWW.starzabove.COM/oldphotogallery/archives/landscape/whiteblossomsafar.jpg!
I”m seeing RED! and WHITE & BLUE
President’s Park – in the Black Hills of South Dakota So what do you think of the redesign? CSS and PHP made this site a breeze to add pages to, once I got the initial set up complete. Yes, another learning experience. And they need 2, maybe 3 more sites. :~)
Type 2 on Enneagram Test
RHETI Sampler Test Results
Starz will…
“starz will” Starz will be performing with the Colorguard for the Winterguard program. STARZ! will continue to broadcast movies in Dolby Surround STARZ WILL BE HAVING A ROOM PARTY!!! starZ will handle either domain registration or transfer on your behalf Starz will be the exclusive place for consumers to get this product in the US…