Oh to dream, home…..

Could we possibly? really? It all seems so amazing!!! The guy that owns our house offered us to buy it on contract with 10% down. And then we find out that the house next door is for sale, along with 5 acres of land and the entire lake (about 5 more acres), and they offered…


So, does it look okay? less sluggish? all lined up okay? PLEASE let me know. I hope to work on it more later, but I really shouldn’t have taken the time now. I just needed a little success.

schmide effex

Good news: medications are working Bad news: side effects are drowsiness and grogginess, which are supposed to subside as I get used to it (Zyrtec). And probably will be better when i’m off of the Prednisone.

allergies ~ miseries

I’ve never been allergic to anything, all of my life. Until I relocated from Northwestern California to here, where the south meets the midwest. The first year, it was allergy season, and that year was one of the worst allergy seasons this area had seen, so it wasn’t a huge surprise. Then the next year,…