I’m getting sick of emeralds. The real emerald earrings my mom had me put in my ears when she was here at the end of January. She said to keep them until she gets out here (she has her house for sale in Calif. with plans to move out here). So, I’m afraid to take…
All posts in me
Type 2 on Enneagram Test
RHETI Sampler Test Results
Starz will…
“starz will” Starz will be performing with the Colorguard for the Winterguard program. STARZ! will continue to broadcast movies in Dolby Surround STARZ WILL BE HAVING A ROOM PARTY!!! starZ will handle either domain registration or transfer on your behalf Starz will be the exclusive place for consumers to get this product in the US…
Guess who is up early in the morning
Me. And I have been since approx. 5 a.m..
My Starz
A little background…. I created a template very similar to this one (I call this one StarzAbove v 1.0), back in September 2002, while in the midst of some more of my self-teaching, with stars and such and titled it “Starz Above”. I remember checking the availability of the domain name, just for curiosity’s sake…
I’m feeling the urge to exercise, so I’m asking for a treadmill for Christmas. So, we’ll see about that, but meanwhile, I’m researching different exercise routines, and I found this interesting page on TreadMill WorkOuts. Please share your exercise routines, experiences, etc…. Here is the treadmill I have picked out
So much to be thankful for
And here are just 3 of the MANY things I am thankful for this year… E Cheesing – D Reading – S Camping?!?!? LOL We had a blessed day. We spent it with my sister and her family in the house they just moved into a couple of weeks ago (which is another blessing to…