I Started My Life List

It’s NOT a Bucket List – I concur with other’s that the term Bucket List is sort of depressing. It’s a LIFE LIST. It’s creating the life you want to live. “If you don’t know where you are going, any road will take you there.” ~ George Harrison I hand wrote it in my new…

I just want to be healthy

Isn’t that a simple enough thing? Well, I plan to make that my goal for the upcoming new year. I have so many things I want to do – NEED to do.  I have some goals and dreams. Things I want to teach my children, places I want to take my children, and experiences I…

Sometimes All You Can Do is Cry

And I am ever so tired of all of the tears. I have so much to be thankful for, really I do. And here we are heading into a beautiful holiday – and I am so unprepared, so not even headed in the vague direction of being ready. I’m just so overwhelmed.


_Started on November 8th, 2011 . . ._ Has anything traumatic ever happened to you? Describe the scenes surrounding a particular event. ~Adrienne McDonnell (guest prompt) Trauma 1. a : an injury (as a wound) to living tissue caused by an extrinsic agent b : a disordered psychic or behavioral state resulting from severe mental…