After “Melanie”: mentioned reserving a fleece for next spring it made me think …. with all of these angora bunnies around here, we are going to need some wool to send out to be processed to make a blend. I’ve found a place to send them out for processing, the “Wooly Knob”: here in Indiana, unless someone has a better suggestion. I’ve heard the Knob takes awhile sometimes, but that they put out quality fiber.
Melanie had good experience with the Finn fiber from “Firefly Fields”: so she reserved hers there, and so did we after some research. We reserved fleece from
p=. “Uma”: and “Pilvi”:
Aren’t they sweet? We are so excited!
On the knitting front, I have half of a FO. If that is possible. I have the first of Em’s Jelly Bean socks complete.
I did *NOT* like the double wrapped short rows on this sock. So, I’m going to try out YO(YarnOver) short rows on the other sock. I figure my 5yo won’t look that close, and it’ll be a great trial experience for me. I’ll post my findings once I get there. I just need to cast on for the other sock first!
I love finn wool. I’ve been searching for a good raw fleece.
Whenever I make it to another group meeting, I can show you a couple of different heels I do.
Jelly Bean is very pretty. Little socks are a good place to practice.
I finished my experiment with double points and magic loop. Now I can just get down to serious sock knitting!