Guess who’s here!

Here is his sweetness and glory, and he just happens to be wearing the “Bananahead Hat”: that *_I_* made for him! Isn’t he just adorable? p{clear:both}. I am working on my nephew’s first “boots”. They are “Old World Green Serf Booties,”: although, obviously, they will be _Blue_ Serf Booties. I started them the day sister…

Snow Storming Decisions

It’s snowing here – still – has been pretty much all day. Everything is bright and quiet out there, even in the middle of the night. I’m about done with winter and it’s ice storms and tornadoes and what not. I’m ready for spring. Even though I know that heightens the actual normal threat of…

Leapin’ in here

I know, _groan_ , pun intended. Happy Leap Year Day! I didn’t know it was a holiday, but oh well, we can use all of the holidays we can get, right? We’ve had lots of excitement going on around here. We’ve had ice storms, freezing temps, sickness, and almost had a baby yesterday! One of…