Amazing PDA

I’m not sure why they stopped making these Sony Clie handheld PDA’s but I currently have custody of my mom’s and it is AWESOME! I just know I haven’t even begun to make use of it’s MANY features, so I’m asking for help. Are there any Palm programs, uses, suggestions out there from other more…

so, so sick and other ills

Watch out for the killer flu going around. It attacked me, in a very weak moment, and it attacked BAD! So, I’ve messed a bit with “WordPress”: and as much as I’d like to like it, I’m just too much in love with this “TextPattern”: CMS(Content Management System). So many of “my”: “mentors”:http://www.scriptygoddess have gone…

yes, i am still here

Things are spinning out of control. In slow motion. I’m trying to see the bright side of things, really. It just seems so cloudy, so hazy. My Vanilla Ice Cream had 6 babies, whose father is obviously a very handsome tabby, somewhere out there, last week. My oldest girl is very happily volunteering twice a…